User commands in OpenAstexViewer
OpenAstexViewer provides support for extending the scripting language with arbitrary commands. This document covers an example of this.If the command part of a scripting command is not recognized a class file of that name is search for. If this is found an instance is created using reflection, and the static method handleCommand is called with a reference to the MoleculeViewer, the MoleculeRenderer and the argument list.
The command can do quite complicated things. The example below creates an instance of itself which is a subclass of GraphicalObject. This starts a thread which will animate the renderer. The object steps through the atoms that were passed as part of the command, and draws a green sphere in turn at the position of each atom.
The command would be used something like
animated -name calpha -atoms { atom CA };
Note the '{' and '}' characters that enclose the atom selection. These are important for the parser in commands that have arbitrary argument lists.
// Source code for the class animated import astex.*; public class animated extends GraphicalObject implements Runnable { /** The MoleculeRenderer we will animate. */ public MoleculeRenderer moleculeRenderer = null; /** The atoms. */ public DynamicArray atoms = null; /** The step we are on. */ public int step = 0; /** The Thread that animates us. */ public Thread thread = null; /** Handle a command. */ public static void handleCommand(MoleculeViewer mv, MoleculeRenderer mr, Arguments args){ if(args.defined("-atoms")){ animated animationObject = new animated(); animationObject.atoms = (DynamicArray)args.get("-atoms"); String name = args.getString("-name", "animationObject"); animationObject.setName(name); animationObject.moleculeRenderer = mr; mr.renderer.addTmesh(animationObject); animationObject.thread = new Thread(animationObject); animationObject.thread.start(); }else{ System.out.println("animated: no atoms specified"); } } /** Extend the render method. */ public void render(){ Renderer renderer = getRenderer(); // if we get deleted, our Renderer will get set to null // and we should stop the thread if(renderer == null){ thread.stop(); return; } if(atoms != null){ Atom atom = (Atom)atoms.get(step); renderer.drawSphere(atom.x, atom.y, atom.z, 2.0,, 128); } } /** Implement the Runnable interface. */ public void run(){ while(true){ if(atoms != null){ if(step >= atoms.size()){ step = 0; } moleculeRenderer.repaint(); step++; } try { Thread.sleep(2000); }catch(InterruptedException e){ } } } }
AstexViewerâ„¢ Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Astex Therapeutics Ltd.
OpenAstexViewer Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Mike Hartshorn